Our goal is to leave both the environment, and the people who depend on it, better off.
Our pipeline includes the following projects:
Clean Cooking Credits
Distributing 160,000 fuel-efficient rocket stoves to rural communities in Zimbabwe (100,000 distributed to date). This project has a striking impact on rural livelihoods, health and ecosystems. Each stove will save ~1 Ha of woodland over its useful life.
Nyangani Watershed Soil Carbon
An ambitious VM42 project working with multiple stakeholders across the landscape. The project will focus on catchment restoration, conservation agriculture, and preservation of the rare Afromontane forests of the eastern highlands.
Direct Seeding A/R
Replanting 100m appropriate indigenous trees over the next 30 years in the degraded miombo systems of central Zimbabwe, using a combination of direct seeding and nursery planting.
This ambitious goal will require significant funding.
MyTrees is an implementation partner of Cicada Carbon, operating across Zimbabwe. It is an independent non-profit working towards restoring and protecting ecosystems through grassroots engagement with local communities.

Project Case Studies
Click or hover over the locations to discover more about each of our Cicada Carbon projects across Zimbabwe.