Cicada Plantations Outgrower Schemes
Everything we do is done by people. The stakeholder ecosystem (community, employees, and supply chain) in which we operate supports the protection and management of the natural ecosystems we rely on. However, the ecosystems we depend on do not stop at our physical boundaries.
Cicada does not intend to be an island of prosperity, but rather wants to share its economics and values with those communities surrounding our estates. Therefore, key to achieving our sustainability goals is engagement of surrounding communities. Our decisions can influence their opportunities and contribute to the preservation of the ecosystems we all rely on. Income-earning opportunities, through both employment of community members on our estates, as well as out grower schemes, contributes to ensuring communities earn a living wage, understand, and buy into our values and vision, and help delivery long-term prosperity for all involved.
Some of the key principles of our out-grower support include, but are not limited to, ensuring farmers are provided with the necessary skills, knowledge, and inputs. We also promote the inclusion of women farmers. We also provide the necessary training to farmers regarding our Child and Forced Labour Policy.